Him (:
He's loving and totally awesome.
he can make the randomest things sound hilariously funny.
he can poke very hard. =.-
and his personality makes you want to know more about him.
his laugh makes you laugh harder.
for no apparent reason. x)
he says SOO many things that don't make sense.
but he..forces it to make sense.
haha overall he's an AWESOME guy;
who loves God, and is just one of the most BESTEST people you will ever meet. (:
have fun reading his. AND ONLY HIS. blog. :)
and he's a TOTAL OCD maniac. ;)
~vicko potatoe.
Raise Your voice
Emily ChenGrace Chan Hazel Chang Jiayu Hong Joel Tan Jon Roberts Joshua Jesudasen Justine Tan Kathryn Phang Keiffer J. Barry Kelvin Wong Lydia Chang Melissa Yeap Miss Catherine Paullyn Goh Raquel Ho Sapphira Yeoh Sarah See Sarah Ti Tommy Wong Vickie Phang Wee Yen Expired
February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 |
» We're on sync!! :D
Tuesday, September 29, 10:13 PM
I'm so tempted to do a complaint post about how stressed I ma and how busy I am but that won't do me or you any good so i'm just gonna do some old fashion blogging... what I haven't done in awhile. (: So today, school started out with devotion, and me coming late, because I stayed up til 1 last night printing and finding chords for the song sheet. (I'm not blaming anyone here, or trying to imply something. None at all.) We had to write out our problems on a piece of paper and find Scriptures from the Bible that countered those problems. It's like a matching game... a really really hard matching game :P Then we started work. I did my Math test first, and completed two Math books this month just as Ms Cath wanted. I passed the test, but a yellow-and-black insect got higher marks then me. Grrr.... *Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt* *squash!* Hehe. :D Then i did the rest of my work then there was a meeting at break time and the RessEEEEs chocolate melted in my pocket D: but i ate it anyway. Chocolate tastes better when melted. It's a known fact... Well, at least, I know it. (: Then I had this super-giant sandwich for lunch. Yum~ HAHAHAHAHAHA solar system!!!! Does this post sound boring to you? Then after lunch came the one hour and forty-five minute long transposing time with WeeYen and Kat. In the music room. It was fun. :P Then we reprinted the music sheets because they weren't in order. AFTER we printed out the first batch. SORRY TREES D: I still have to write out the names on the papers. Sigh. *stretches and continues typing* So that's about it. WAIT, NO IT'S NOT!!!! After that I went to the swings with Kat and Andrew. We met Keiffer and So that's it. (: Be happy, smile, get through it, then strangle that person. Haha random moment. I <3> Listen to this song My heart, Your home by Hillsongs WOW. ;) Ps. My cbox is gonna self destruct in one week unless a hundred people comment in it. So SAVE MY CBOX, PEOPLE!! ;D » Confused
Monday, September 28, 5:12 PM
I feel stressed out and confused. I have a million-and-one things to do I have people who are stressed and taking it out on me I have people who are SO desperate for attention They are pretending to be mad You're NOT helping If you are stressed, don't go yell at other people Is it THEIR fault you're stressed!? No, it isn't Instead, you make THEM stressed Someone, help me. WHY!?!? Tears are gonna flow, who's gonna be there? » Ms. Hazel Chang
Saturday, September 26, 7:22 PM
Heyy people (: I know the title is weid but I used it because Hazel asked me to update. :D so what should I say? Ohkay, birthday wishes. ;) Happy Birthday Paullyn!! Now you, I can rmb the first time we talked. You had that long piece of blue cardboard And we kept passing it back and forth because None of us wanted to throw it xD Have a great one and God Bless!! (: HAppy BIrthday MAtthew!! ......I've never really talked to u before.... -.- :D HAppy Birthday Wee Yen!! Um..... Yea, God Bless and TAke CAre. :) You are awesome :D HAppy BIrthday Joel!! http://grapesrmine.blogspot.com/2009/09/eppy-burpday-joel.html :P Ohkay, people. I'm out. :) Happy, HAzel? Ugh.... this keyboard is soooo tiny. D: Labels: T » I hate it when my fly is down
Tuesday, September 22, 7:11 PM
Heyy guys! I promised I'd update after today so..... HERE I AM :) So first, I went out with Vickie, Haz, Joel, and Tim. Saph, Sarah, Andrew, and Nathaniel couldn't make it. :( And I reached there like, 9.30 when we were supposed to meet at 11 Because my parents had to go out early. -.- Shops weren't even open yet But I managed to get credit and buy movie tix ;) Then ran ALL the way down to get Haz. x) Then when I got Haz, she wanted to go to S&J to get a new wallet And we sorta bumped into Tim on the way there More like, on the way way up there if u know what I mean Then we all went to S&J AND COULDN'T FIND A SINGLE WALLET Then stood outside S&J trying to get Joel to tell us where he's having lunch with his family "Where are you?" "1u" "What restaurant?" "I dunno" "What are you eating?" "I dunno" *hazel takes phone* "Where are you?" "1u" "What restaurant?" *pause* "Bye bye" WTH JOEL!? Then we went to InQbox, Then called Vickie to tell her to meet us at Carls Jr. Joel met us Met Vickie Scolded Joel Went to Carls Jr JOEL BEING TOTALLY ANTI-SOCIAL I hate it when he's like that Ate, played with dangerous French Fries Genetically altered the taste of French Fries OH HERE'S WHERE THE FUN STARTED Tim and Joel ditched the three of us and dashed to the arcade The three of us got LOST For about half and hour Finally reached cinema just in time for buying snacks and movie Movie started Half of the Salty Popcorn was gone before the movie even started "I'll keep it" "Fine, but don't eat it" "Ohkay, ohkay I won't" "....................................." *munch* "HEYY!!" LOL Did really stupid stuff in cinema The movie was ohkay But it's better if u watch it with fun people :) HAHA "I hate it when my fly is down" x) Ohkay, movie finished, PUT OUR FEET UP ON THE CHAIRS IN FRONT OF US Had more fun Tried out the arcade games. Like SOME Then I had to take While Joel and Tim ditched me for them. I was soooo mad I was. I seriously was. But then I met them again and played one last game. ;) I wasn't tooooo happy about it tho... Hm.... *deep in thought* WHAT WAS THE LAST TIME I HAD SO MUCH FUN? :D Ps. Joel, I know you're reading this. » My God is BIG
Friday, September 18, 6:07 PM
I'll edit after Tuesday. If I get to go out with Vickie..... AND Joel, Tim, Raquel etc etc... (: » Big (:
Thursday, September 17, 5:52 PM
He's my God, and He is my refuge, He's the Rock, On which I stand He's my fortress, God He is my life He holds the oceans in His hands. there's nothing my God cannot do (: » Tagged by Dearly missed Melissa Yeap
Monday, September 14, 5:04 PM
When was the last time I did a tag??? .....can't rmb. ;) I MISS YOU MELISSA :( 1. At what age do you wish to marry? Twenties? 2.Where will go if someone sponsors your ticket? Paris or Japan or Hawaii or California or HOLLYWOOD. :D 3.What's your favourite thing to do? Spending time with friends. (: 4.Do you think that money can buy happiness? No. 5.If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be? To have the power to be able to do anything i want ;D 6.Do you believe that you can survive without money? ..... YES!! 7.What are you afraid to lose the most? My best friends. 8.If you win 1 million, what would you do? First, I would buy the new iTouch Ms Cath was talking about today, then get the latest Macbook, then save up the rest for a car when I'm 18. (: 9.How would you describe the person you like at the moment? A complete VEGETABLE. Haha a very kind and considerate vegetable. :D 10.List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you. I miss her, I MISS HER and OOH!! OOH!! I MISS HER Haha just kidding.... Um., she's helpful, kind, and..... smart. (: 11. What are the requirements that you wish from the other half? The other half of what!? 12.If you could rewind, would you? DUH. 13.What's your ambition? Not clear. 14.If you could teleport, where would you go? I dunno. :S 15.What do you think is the most important thing in your life? Friends. (: 16.If you could undo doing one mistake in the past, what would it be? Um... I don't know. Probably alot. 17.If you have a chance to change, which part of your character would you like to change? My I-don't-know 18.What music you have been to listening recently? CC and Taylor Swift and Hillsongs and Planetshakers. (: 19.What is the one thing you cannot do but you wish you could? Definitely superpowers. 20.Do you love someone with all your heart? Yesh. 21. Tag 2 more people. Vickie Phang and Joel Tan. (: » HI!
Saturday, September 12, 1:38 PM
me, joel, and ryan are like on a spamming spree. xD oh this is vickie. :D hmm. what to spam about. joel's going to spam this blogpost to. so i'll let him do the spamming. ohkay! VICKIE WAS HERE!!! :D haha. like vickie said. this is joel. yes, we're on a spamming spree. and i'm oh so totally lazy to do it. but then... they were like "WHY ARE YOU LAZY WHEN YOU CAN SPAM SOMETHING?!?!" then i'm like "FINE! I'LL GO SPAM! HAPPY?!" so this is why i'm spamming. :) » Thanks for the Tears
Friday, September 11, 9:38 PM
Thanks for the tears today. Both of you. Thanks so much. You made my day..... Yea right. =.= » Things I've learned today
Wednesday, September 9, 7:58 PM
Things I've learned today: -Me+Bee= the perfect formula for winning a Captain's Ball game -James CANNOT sing xD -Miss Eunice is good at sports -The sambal they serve at school is delicious *thumbs up* -How to text message on Vickie's phone -Paullyn is very KEPOH. (: -All you need is chords. Ahh.... that's all. (: We won the other team at Captain's Ba;; today 465,867,354,106,-6 Hehe. Ms Cat wants a rematch. BRING IT ON!! xD » Meanest girl on EARTH
Tuesday, September 8, 5:46 PM
Today, I met the meanest girl on earth. I didn't think that was possible. But it is. She really pisses me off. I dunno how we're gonna get through Friday. Oh God HALP. D: » I'm At Joel's House
Monday, September 7, 3:29 PM
Hahahahaha.... As Timothy walked throught he door he was greeted with shouts of "PANASS!!!!!" HAHAHAHA all thx to Ms Sarah Ti. HAHA He jumped into the pool and the water almost evaporated. LOL. I wanna learn how to play the guitar la. D: I love my new blogskin. ;) Ryan the Carrot signing off. ;) » I'm not Perfect
Saturday, September 5, 12:34 PM
'Cuz we lost it all Nothing lasts forever I'm sorry I can't be Perfect Now it's just too late And we can't go back I'm sorry I can't be Perfect Heart Melting (: I wonder if anyone of you can guess what super-old song this is.... or maybe u can. I dunno. ;) » Eppy Burpday Andreeew :D
Friday, September 4, 8:39 PM
HI EVERYONE! this is vickie. XD ryan was being a lazy butt and didn't want to update his blog. =.- so he asked me. haha. so lazy right? ohkay. here are the pics from andrew's birthday on...thursday. (:
haha ohkay there you go. i should like write crap all over ryan's blog...>:D and weirdly enough ryan ASKED me to write crap all over his blog. O_O ohkay then. :D soo..chapel was fun today. (: it was only 15 min tho. very short. but it was a nice chapel..."THIS IS GOOOD" x) haha. lunch was..exciting today. haha. ryan and raquel were telling me how blur tze yun is. and here is how the conv. kinda went. (: raquel: tze yun doesn't go online alot. she probably doesn't know what a chat history is. tze yun : huh? chart history? what's that? me: you know what chat history is right? tze yun: chack history? what's that? let me go ask. does your sister know?? me: CHAT history. CHATTT history. tze yun: ohhhhhh!!!! tze yun: ah you guys are so mean i don't want to talk to you. then another bunch of crap happened that i dun want to blog about cause RYAN IS AN IMPATIENT CARROT. during chapel ryan poked me so hard. :( haha. i got him back tho. >:) he's so gullible! i was like ,"i'm not going to poke you" and so he said "ohkay" so he came nearer to me, and i POKED HIM! xD ohkay enough random crap. (: *sigh* ryan asked me to do this.. signing off, Vicko potatoe. =.- » Random Crap
Thursday, September 3, 6:15 PM
Random Crap Courtesy of Vickie Phang ;D » Pls reply :(
Tuesday, September 1, 6:00 PM
Come on, at least tell me what's going on. It doesn't make sense like this. It's too quiet. ;( |