Him (:
He's loving and totally awesome.
he can make the randomest things sound hilariously funny.
he can poke very hard. =.-
and his personality makes you want to know more about him.
his laugh makes you laugh harder.
for no apparent reason. x)
he says SOO many things that don't make sense.
but he..forces it to make sense.
haha overall he's an AWESOME guy;
who loves God, and is just one of the most BESTEST people you will ever meet. (:
have fun reading his. AND ONLY HIS. blog. :)
and he's a TOTAL OCD maniac. ;)
~vicko potatoe.
Raise Your voice
Emily ChenGrace Chan Hazel Chang Jiayu Hong Joel Tan Jon Roberts Joshua Jesudasen Justine Tan Kathryn Phang Keiffer J. Barry Kelvin Wong Lydia Chang Melissa Yeap Miss Catherine Paullyn Goh Raquel Ho Sapphira Yeoh Sarah See Sarah Ti Tommy Wong Vickie Phang Wee Yen Expired
February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 |
» My mother-in-law
Sunday, August 30, 5:12 PM
I rmb this conversation, it's not exact but it went roughly like this: Paullyn: Hope is soo cute la! Me: I know... =.= Paullyn: When i have children, i'm gonna have my son marry her!! :D Me: They'll be like, 20 years apart la!! Paullyn: So? Me: -.- Then how will we be related? Paullyn: *thinks* I'll be your mother-in-law. O_o I do NOT want Paullyn as my mother-in-law. Is tooo freaky. Ahhh!! xD So? There was something I wanted to blog about. Forgot. Did you know that Ms Catherine called me all the way from Penang so she could rub it in my face? Ish weii. D: I'm going to the Merdeka Cup tournament thingy tomorrow.I have to play in the band. -________________- I'm soooo gonna quit the band di. Ok nothing else. I'm stuck on Ubuntu because my Windows crashed. $__$ Signing off, ;) » The Super Long Blogspot of The Year!! Muahahahaha ;)
Monday, August 24, 3:29 PM
Hello!! There are tons of things to blog about, suddenly I just felt in a bloggy mood. :) Ok, i'll start off with um.... a video. :) U HAVE to watch the video.... I took it like so long ago and it's so funny. xD So, what's been going on? Well there's one thing I can't forget. D.O.E. has been cancelled!! Oh gosh.. I was so looking forward to um...... watching or either performing. I don't know. :S Oh and I wanted to say Happy Holidays to some people: Dawn, Hazel, Lydia, Paullyn, Joel, Ms Cath, Mr Nick, Josh, Josh J, Keiffer, Jiayu, Sarah, Sarah T, Kathryn, Kathryn's sister, Tze Yun, Dominic, Andrew, Michael, Sapphira, and whoever else is reading this. :) Let me tell you, I HATE learning about constellations. There are so many DVDs I wanna buy:- 1. Transformers 1 2. Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen 3. Step Up 2 4. Kris Allen's Album Must wait. -.- H1N1 is so crazy annoying u know.... ish. D:< I'm feeling so random and hyper now. >.< HAHA FFS :P Oh and today, My idiot brothers tried to carry Hope in a basket and she fell out of it and her chin bled. :( She cried for 2 hours non-stop and plus the stupid construcion gong on RIGHT OUTSIDE MY HOUSE, it was noise torture. I wanna go to Genting. But somebody forgot to invite me for a church camp there. Or else I would be on a Merdeka is coming. Shoot. O_o Gah!! I wanna go shopping for clothes. It's either that or I stop growing taller. Cause all my clothes are going to my brothers. My wardrobe is running out. -.- So, is the post long enough? No? Well, GOOD LUCK TO THE TCHOUKBALL TEAM WHO HAS LEFT FOR MALACCA TODAY!! DO YOUR BEST AND HAVE FUN!! :P I soooo wanna go with them. T.T Ok, i'll wrap up now, :) and close with a random pic of Saph and her tongue. xD Cya guys. !! » Do I like her?
Sunday, August 23, 8:44 PM
Hey I promise I will update soon. :) I'm itching to do a long blogpost complete with videos and photos. :D So wait ah? OK? OK! :) :) :) :) » Celebrating 13 Years Of Raquel-ness
Thursday, August 20, 5:53 PM
Celebrating 13 Years Of Raquel-ness ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yes, okay, that's all. I know it's not much but yes, it ENOUGH. Happy Birthday again Raquel :P Sorry I didn't get a present for you.... It kinda slipped my mind. And sorry this post is one day late. LOL. :) I'm feeling much better now. :) P/s Sarah, one lemon not enough to make lemonade la.... -.-" » Dinscriminated.
Wednesday, August 19, 6:26 PM
So, I pay 40 bucks to get discriminated and rejected by a biased coach. SHOCKER. So what if I'm NOT FIT, or NOT DISCIPLINED? So James is more disciplined than me? Nicholas? Joel? Timothy? I finally found a sport that I actually ENJOY playing and you just HAD to take it away. I never knew a coach could be SO biased. A CHRISTIAN coach. So what am I supposed to do now? I bet that if I join the stupid training, I would just waste my time because you would never EVER pick me for tournaments. I was so looking forward to it and THEY get to go instead of me?? Aren't coaches supposed to encourage you instead of INSULT YOU, THEN IGNORE YOU, THEN IGNORE THE PEOPLE WHO MENTION ME?? You know what, you can continue with you training but I'll stop right after September. You can count on that. » Happy Almost Birthday!
Tuesday, August 18, 1:59 PM
Haha just you wait... :P You know who you are.... :) » Them~
Monday, August 10, 1:02 PM
To you; Is it necessary for you to act like that? Don't you know people DON'T like it? It's just plain annoying. To you; I know you don't like me, I know that in YOUR world, I don't exist at all. I try my best. you don't have to SHOW me. To you; Thank You. :) To you; What's.wrong.with.being.HOLY? To you; STAY AWAY. OK!? To you; Please come back, I miss you. ; ) |